I've gotten some emails this week from folks who've said they heard me on WBAI in NYC on Monday (International Women's Day), talking about being fat and happy and saying the text from the essay will be posted on my website. Welp, this is the website, but the essay's long gone. Don't even have a copy of it anymore, I don't think. Sorry. The thing was written and produced for WBAI eight or ten years ago, as you might've guessed by the out-dated references to celebs who've had weight loss surgery and gotten thin. (They're now fat again.) Anyway, WBAI has re-aired it a half dozen or so times since, and that's what you're hearing.
The short update is as follows: Still fat. Still happy. Still saying fuck you to those who believe I have no right to be either. List of names available upon request.
(Not really, but that's not a bad idea...)
What is available upon request is a list of body image texts and fat rights activism resources. I'll be putting something together for those who've written me about the essay, and if you'd like the list as well, hit the contact link in the sidebar and tell me so.
And as always, thanks for your interest.